
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Fanciful Found Object Centerpiece

For the next few weeks, you will find some simple and inexpensive Holiday decorating tips here. Before we get to the good stuff, just a disclaimer: please be sure to observe safety guidelines on all equipment and tools used. This means protective eye wear or gloves when called for, following the product/tools instructions, working in a well ventilated space, avoiding contact with skin and/or eye areas, not using a product for other than intended use, etc. Severing a finger sort of puts a damper on Holiday celebrations. Also, I am not responsible for any injuries/damages you may suffer or incur as a result of your crafty experimentations.

Now, that being said, let's move on to the fun!

Found Object Centerpieces

Materials: Any of the following~ plate/tray/wide/shallow bowl/vase, branch(es), spray paint, rocks, glitter, gems,  photo frame, garden figure, porcelain figure, snow globe, candles,  pine cones, marbles, glass beads, ornaments, coffee beans, sand, floral picks, feathers… Endless possibilities!
Cost: $0 - what ever, if you purchase items instead of using FOUND ones.
Time: Half hour 
Level: Super Easy!

Choose the base for your display, such as a platter, tray, shallow bowl, vase, or grouping of three. Place candles, snow globe, or figure in the center, or off to one side. Add other objects, such as ornaments, pine cones, smaller figures, and/or smaller candles around. Try to think of a triangle when arranging them; there should be one high point that cascades down in to the next lower focal point, then down to the third. Odd numbered groupings are the most pleasing to the eye, so three or five works best. Fill in the bottom of the container with sand, coffee beans, marbles, gems, or small glass rocks. You can even weave ribbon through; just be sure anything flammable is kept well away from flame if you are using lit candles. An excellent alternative is an LED candle, as it never melts and can be used over and over again. Another option is to go to the thrift store, and find a figurine or statue. This can be hideous looking in terms of coloring as long as it has good lines. Take a can of spray paint and have at the figure; use a good 8 - 12" distance and sweeping strokes to keep the paint from forming drips. Seal the new color with a high gloss or matte finish spray, like Krylon. Have fun!
(Pictures coming soon!)

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