
Thursday, April 24, 2014

When life throws you lemons - make stew! Or, how to reuse leftovers and trick your family into eating them...

There is nothing worse than throwing away a fridge full of leftovers. Ok, maybe there is, but seriously I cannot stand the thought of perfectly good food going to waste, especially if I spent time cooking it. However, my family is of the opinion that if it doesn't come from a place that includes a toy with their meal or isn't ready instantly then there is no point in eating it. Hence our long standing tradition of me creating dishes that reuse the leftovers in a new way, saving both time and money (two of my favorite things). Plus, on those nights you just don't know what to do these go-to recipies can be super helpful.

1.) Crock-pot chicken. This is cheap and easy - perfect for those nights when time is short! I buy whole chickens whenever I shop and throw them in the freezer. When I need a dinner I will take out the chicken and toss it in the crock-pot and let it simmer on low all day long. You can also use left-over chicken for this too. I add in what ever veggies I have on hand - last night's green beans, baby carrots from the snack drawer, the left overs from a veggie tray, or any of the veggies I have in the freezer from previous meals or canned in the pantry let them join the party too. Then I add some minced onions (or the dried kind you get in the baking section) salt and pepper, and a can of either chicken broth or cream of chicken soup. I let that cook all day and it's a perfect meal for dinner - just add some fruit, salad, and/or bread.

2.) Casserole. You can make litterally HUNDREDS of kinds of casserole. So that crock-pot chicken you made the other night? Now take all that super soft, flavorful, falling-off-the-bone chicken meat and put it in a baking dish. Pour in 2 cans of chicken broth, a package of noodles like corkscrew pasta, toss in your veggies again and a cup of shredded cheese, stir and bake. Your family will never know it's last night's chicken (unless they watch you make it, in which case have them help toss stuff in, it becomes and awesome game and they are more inclined to eat it).

3.) Stew. My favorite! I love this because you can let it simmer on the stove and it fills the whole house with a yummy smell or throw it in the crock-pot and go. Add in what ever veggies and meat you have on hand. Pour some cream of mushroom or cream of chicken in for your base, or use boullion cubes or canned broth. Throw in rice from the other night, canned/left over beans, or what ever cooked lentils you have on hand.

4.) Bakes. This is one of my kids' favorites! Take that stew, any mashed potatoes (feel free to use the boxed kind, no judgement) and biscuit mix. Layer your potatoes in a baking dish, pour stew over the top, then add your drop biscuits over the top. Bake for about 12 - 14 minutes and you're set.

All these dishes are great because you can basically use what ever is in your pantry/fridge and make adjustments based on picky eaters, allergies, and what you happen to have on hand. Here is a list of staples I like to keep on hand so I can make these any time:

~Biscuit mix
~Frozen whole chickens
~Block of cheese (I like the taste and versatility of Colby Jack)
~Dried onions
~Mashed potato mix or bag of potatoes
~Veggies (I throw left over cooked veggies in containers and freeze them and pull them out when I need them, but also stock up on cans and frozen)
~Garlic (dried, fresh, or canned)

I shop like crazy for deals on these staples by clipping coupons and doubling them on top of sales. I stock up when they are a good deal so I have them in my pantry when ever I need them. Just knowing I have these go-to options when time and funds are short helps to cut down on stress and helps me to stay organized.

What are your favorite ways to remake your leftovers? Share your recipes below!

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